Saturday 23 May 2015

It is too difficult reaching Lae city by any means of transport from the mountains of Mesem. Trackers have to pass through this point of exit from every villages behind this. Suguzatina is where photo was taken and this passing point leads into the beauties of Saruwaget Range.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Samanzing Village in Nawae District, Morobe Province, PNG

Most Villages along the Saruwaget Range lack basic government services due to their remoteness and ragged terrain. Samanzing village is one of these villages and I hope it could be changed in some years later.

By Benjamin Wusik


What is Physical Health?

Proper physical health can contribute to leading a satisfying and successful life. Physical health is the overall condition of living organisms or humans at a given time. It is the soundness of the body, freedom from disease or abnormality, and the condition of optional well-being. It is when the body is functioning as it was designed to function (Kurtus, 2000). The principles such as to be physically active, be nutritional frugal, and minimize medical invasiveness would improve your chances for a healthy life. Good health means not only a state of absence of disease in the body but a complete physical, mental, social, and the spiritual well being of an individual.

However, in the real world today there are several health related events or diseases that occur due to lack of maintaining and upholding the physical health and wellbeing activities.

Improving Health

Physical health is essential as it can be maintained through science and practice of medicine, but can also be improved by individual decisions and effort. This includes decisions on physical fitness, weight loss, a healthy diet, stress management training and stopping smoking and other substance abuse (Kurtus, 2000).

Maintaining physical activity is essential because physical fitness is the result of regular physical activity, proper diet and nutrition and proper rest for physical recovery (Good Health, 2013). Physical fitness often includes the following types or features of the physical health which your body would have if you are physically healthy. These features body ability, balance, right body composition, effective cardiovascular endurance, proper coordination of the body, flexibility, have a muscular strength and endurance and the speed and stamina (Good Health, 2013).

In today’s world, a majority of people perception on health is ‘health is wealth” which gives a big sense to our life as health is considered the foremost valuable and precious for every mankind. On the contrary, good health refers not only to a state of absence of disease in the body but a complete physical, mental, social plus spiritual well being of every individual. Further a place with facilities may promote good health but it may be unhealthy environment because of over population, excessive industrialization, air and water pollution (Kurtus, 2000). Kurtus said that this is threatening the life with many harmful diseases. Consequently many people have been wrapped up by the clutch of infection like cancer, diabetes, hypertension, AIDS (Ron Kartus, 2000). Even though many people claimed to be relatively healthy; at the present period, many people are suffering from various mental disorders also because they were blindly racing towards fame and having common aim in life which is to achieve the big status in the society.

Today’s world is really challenging and the competition in each field is so competitive that no one is able to escape from the chaotic schedule of life. In the past couple of decades, people used to live and work differently, enjoying the distinct way of life. But it has changed now that people are working under stressful conditiosn and without satisfaction, which is detrimental to their physical fitness (Kurtus, 2000). Kurtus expressed that due to this, many people are suffering from many lifestyle diseases. He also said that in this case physical health and fitness is very significant for a healthy and tension free life. Nevertheless physical health and fitness refers to proper diet, exercise and sleep. These three fundamentals things have their own importance in each individual’s l life. Therefore everyone have to practice these to live a healthy life (Kurtus, 2000).


Consequently our life depend entirely upon our diet, therefore it is essential for us to know, how much to eat and when to eat. However, one should “eat to live and not live to eat”. Whatever is pleasing to our eyes, whatever is pleasing to your tongue and whatever you feel good when eating would be taken as long as your digestion, body weight, strength and activities are normal. Further the amount of diet should be simple and light rather than heavy, but must be rich and of quality. Fruits must be supplemented with meals.

Moreover, those who take fruit and fresh vegetables in the diet have the chance to live longer lives, good health, and alertness in activity, spirituality of mind and humanity of outlook, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables lowers the incidence of disease like cancer, diabetes, cataract, heart attack and others. Avoid all the fast food and soft drinks strictly although everyone has their own requirement. Further, dietary habits during childhood are often hard to change afterwards. Therefore responsibility lies on mothers where they should refrain from over feeding their children. Some of the significant tips of good eating habits are listed as follows:

·         Make breakfast the largest and dinner the lightest meal of the day

·         Eat often in small amounts

·         Eat your salad and fruits before your meal

·         Don’t starve yourself and over eat subsequently

·         Avoid fast food and canned food  as they are costly both for your pocket and heart

·         Yellow orange and green vegetables and fruits add life to your heart and

·         As age advances eat less and exercise more.

Benjamin Wusik is a 3rd year Health Management student at the Divine Word University.


Georgia State University, (2013). The benefits of exercise. Retrieved 28 march 2013 from m

Ron Kurtus (2012). What is Physical Health? Retrieved 24 march 2013 from health.htm

Win back your Good Health, (2013). Find out what determines the definition of good physical health. Retrieved 24 march 2013 from­cal-health.html